Knowledge-based QA for Diagnosis


Knowledge Graph,Question Answering System,基于知识图谱和向量检索的医疗诊断问答系统


1 Model Structure

2 Reproduction & Workflow

Full reproduction (build from scratch):

  1. build knowledge graph [colab]
  2. build NER dataset [colab]
  3. train NER model [train] [inference] [model on Huggingface]
  4. train intent-recognition model [train] [inference] [model on Huggingface]
  5. entity-linking logic [colab]

Minimal reproduciton (direct usage)


3 Reference


4 Demo


5 Citation

If you use this software in your work, please cite it using the following metadata.

author = {Xiang, Tao},
title = {{Knowledge-based-QA-for-Diagnosis}}
Tao Xiang 向涛
Tao Xiang 向涛
M.Sc. Informatics

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